Carolyn Crump works in a variety of media, but her recent focus on textiles and quilts is bringing a new dimension to sculptural textiles. It has been stated that her art "...defies illusionary boundaries to reflect a unique blend of wildness, freedom, and expression."
Interview of Carolyn Crump - The following is a January 27, 2009 interview of Carolyn by Karen Musgrave for the Alliance for American Quilts Save Our Stories project. Carolyn's interview is part of an interview series focused on artists creating quilts honoring the historic election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States of America
Houstonian Captures Obama Moment in Quilt:
She States: “I treat cloth not as a flat surface but as a wild flexible skin for three-dimensional objects. The graphic surface almost, but not quite, edges out the volumetric forms. Making sculpture from fabric presents unique challenges and creative possibilities - and it makes me approach sculptural problems with an unusual slant.” Note: the home page of her website currently has wonderful images of recent work focused on skeletons
Blog posting about Susan by Leni Werner - includes images:
Yoshimi Kihara knits intricate sculptures using folded strips of newspapers.
She states: “My work explores the theme of ‘information’ and our relationship to it...My pieces build over time and grow in sequence with the days. Newsprint carries on it’s inky surface the imprint of news and trivia that each day throws up. As the structures develop, the sheets of newspaper that I use loose their original function and the objects that emerge begin to transmit new messages of their own.” NOTE: When you click on the "Works" link, a slide show will automatically start after 5 seconds have elapsed