Thursday, July 10, 2008

Artist Residencies - Part II

Fiber Artist Adriene Cruz in front of her Paducah, KY
Artist-in-Residence studio

This post looks at artist residencies from several different perspectives - there are interviews of artists (one a fiber artist) about their residency experiences; info about a disbanded Artist-in-Residency program at NASA; and info about artist residency possibilities that exist outside of artist colonies.


The Artist Workspace Residency: A Guide for Artists - this is a 32 page document created for the benefit of artists experiencing one type of residency program, but it has information useful for other residency considerations as well

Database of Japanese Artist-in-Residence Programs - Anyone interested in pursuing an artist-in-residency in Japan should thoroughly investigate all of the material on this site - "We interview artists, art managers, curators who are key persons to know how Japanese residency programs works. "


A.I.R. Paducah Artist Relocation Program and a Conversation with Adriene Cruz
Interview in Relation to a 7 Week Residency at the Yorkshire Art Space, Sheffield 2003 - Interview of Ben Cove by Doug Higgins

There are many opportunities for artist residences that should be considered besides the art colony format with which we're most familiar. For example, did you know that NASA once had an Artist in Residence program? Unfortunately, Congress cut its program funding in 2005:

Moon and Stars Align for Performance Artist: Laurie Anderson Accepts Art Commission from NASA

A Congressional Record excerpt posted by the Washington Times:

NOTE: The Federal Reserve Board spent $183,000 in 2003 for its arts program and the Army, Air Force, State Department and Interior Departments also have art budgets.


Many colleges and universities have Visiting Artist or Artist-in-Residency programs which generally range from 4-weeks to a semester to an academic year in duration. Some issue "Calls" for applications and some post the application process on their website. For others, you would need to contact them regarding your interest. Following is one example:

Illinois State University Visiting Artist Program - a 4-week residency with a $3,200 stipend


Museums are another possibility for finding a residency opportunity. As with universities, some issue "Calls" for applications. For others, you may be able to work with them to develop one. Following is one example of a museum artist-in-residence program:

Newark Museum - Applications are being accepted for three artist-in-residence positions at the Newark Museum Arts Workshop for the month of January 2009. The residency offers three artists the opportunity to use the Museum's professional facilities for creating new work. A stipend will be paid to selected artists. This year because the Newark Museum is celebrating the 100th year of its founding, artists are being asked to submit proposals that relate to this milestone event.How to Apply: First, there is no application form to fill out, references to seek or fees to pay. Please send 10 JPEG images at 300 dpi on a CD, or a video/film clip of five minutes or less of your current work along with resume, artist statement, residency proposal and SASE. Do please include a hard copy list of your images and information about them and how or in what manner they should be viewed.Stipend: Each artist receives a stipend of $1200.00. This includes artist acting as juror to select the next round of Newark Museum Resident Artists for 2010. In addition, in-kind material and technical support is supplied to each artist depending on project needs. Send application material to:

Stephen McKenzie, Manager
The Newark Museum Arts Workshop for Adults
49 Washington Street
Newark, NJ 07102-3176

Email address:


Believe it or not but corporations are another possibility to explore. It could well be worth your time and effort to propose the creation of an artist-in-residence program (tailored, of course, for yourself) to a company. Following are some examples:

Idea: Corporate Artists in Residence - David Friedman

Daimler Foundation in Japan Art Scope - This is an interview of Mr. Keisuke Egashira, the director of Daimler Foundation in Japan by Sachiko Kanno, The Japan Foundation and Akemi Tsukada, NLI Research Institute about the objective, practices and principles of the Art Scope [Artist-In-Residence] program.

Kohler and the Arts

Arts/Industry: An Innovative Residency Program
SF Recycling AIR – full information about the program and application process

.....Program Brochure:

Siemen's: Silk Road Project, Artist-in-Residence Program

Artist-in-Residence: Hotelier tries to teach artist business skills

Art and Innovation: The XEROX PARC Artist-in-Residence Program

IBM: CUE is Hosting an Artist in Residence

NOTE: While many of these program examples seem to preclude textile art, its the idea that's important - think of a corporation with which you'd like to work and approach them with the idea...who knows where it might lead.


Sometimes a community will sponsor an artist-in-residence program:

Kamiyana Artist in Residence Program (Japan)


I was really surprised to learn that many hospitals sponsor these programs. While all of the examples are East Coast, you can probably find or develop them at hospitals throughout the country:

MassGeneral Hospital for Children

New York City Hospital Artist-in-Residence Programs

Artists-In-Residence: The Creative Center's Approach to Arts in Healthcare - Can be purchased at the following website - scroll down the page - "This book offers artists and healthcare professionals a unique look at artmaking with patients and caregivers in healthcare settings. The first of its kind in the rapidly emerging field of arts-in-healthcare, this book features The Center's professionally proven methods, illustrated by actual artist-in-residence logs and photographs that tell the stories of the remarkable experiences that occur when patients and staff are given the opportunity to discover their own creative resources through art-making.

Thirteen chapters focus on all aspects of working as an Artist-in-Residence, including Working in the Culture of a Healthcare Institution, Working with Patients, Caregivers and Caregiving and Working with the Dying. Practical tips and suggested projects are featured in The Portable Studio, as well as in appendices. Artists and healthcare facilities are given all the information needed to start a Creative Center Artist-in-Residence program in their hometown hospitals."


National Park Service - There are 29 parks that currently participate in the National Park Service's Artist-in-Residence program.

State Park Services - This is another area to explore, for example, Michigan's Mountains Porcupine Artist-in-Residence program:,1607,7-192-45414_45416-182964--,00.html

Artist in Residence - This is "...a list of organizations that offer opportunities for artists to collaborate with scientists, technologists, or professionals in business or industry. Many are experimental laboratories where artists collaborate with scientists. Several are university based. Many are in countries other than the US."

Bottom line, there are many alternative avenues for artist residencies that can be pursued. When searching for the right Artist-in-Residence experience for you, don't hesitate to think outside of the box.

If you missed the first post about Artist Residencies:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey ,
Sounds great that you know all about your stuff! Its intriguing when you speak to someone who knows what they speak about, as oppose to reciting it from someone else they learned from. I can see you are very experienced and with your credentials it is quite obvious that you will make it far in life, or have already made it far in life :)