Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Stitch in Jewish Time: Provocative Textiles

Coat of the Agunah - Andi Arnovitz

Middle Matzah - Leslie Golomb and Louise Silk

An amazing exhibit is currently on display through June 30, 2011 at the Hebrew Union College's Jewish Institute of Religion Museum (located at Brookdale Center, One West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012).
This exhibit "...explores how exceptional contemporary artists apply their skillful creativity to the ever evolving understanding of Jewish values. Individually addressing issues of memory and reflection, interpretations of history and ritual, and links between the past and present, they delve into aspects of the Holocaust, war, patriotism, celebration, prayer, feminism, and sexuality, frequently through the inclusion of Biblical texts and sometimes challenging traditional forms.",%202010/Press%20Release%20-%20A%20Stitch%20in%20Jewish%20Time.pdf
More Info About Some of the Artists:

Leslie A Golomb and Louise Silk - "Deez Nites Be All the Same to Me" : These two artists have created a series of quilts depicting the linked story of a Jewish slave-owning family, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lyons Moss, and their run away slave boy.

Blog Post to The Jewish Chronicle by Louise Silk - Why Don't Jews Quilt?
Andi Arnovitz - Unchained: While Trying on New Artistic Hat, Artist Develops Series of Paper Coats:
"One series of coats is devoted to agunot, the so-called “chained women,” who, according to Jewish law, cannot remarry due to their husbands’ refusal to grant a divorce, or inconclusive evidence of a husband’s death. Arnovitz obtained and photocopied hundreds of ketubot (marriage contracts), and tore them into small pieces. With thread she affixed the fragments onto massive paper coats. The sleeves, hems and collars were sewn shut, and the threads, evidence of her painstaking process, were left hanging, a metaphor for the agunah, herself."
Robert Forman - String Pictures - "Forman's work is about the journey-his, theirs, ours. It is about transparent shadows of the real world, shifting as we shift, fortelling our own ephemerality even as they document us for posterity, playing tricks on our vision like Puck, like the trickster spirits of every culture. It is about surface, but also about deeper layers and juxtapositions-of thread, form, subject matter, symbol and meaning."
Robert Forman: The Journey of Self and Other (Surface Design Journal - Spring 2000)
Jacqueline Nicholls - "...uses art to explore traditional Jewish ideas in untraditional ways. This website shows the variety of media I use in my work - paper-cuts, embroidery, corsetry, drawings & print, clothing - and explains some of my thinking behind each piece." 
Blog -
Nancy Koenigsberg
Jane Sauer Gallery

Snyderman-Works Galleries
Elaine Reichek - combines "...vintage and current photography with stitching..."
Adam Cohen - "Embroidery offers me a way to explore imagery while still feeling connected to the piece through my hands."
Snyderman-Works Galleries

Monday, December 13, 2010

Free Creativity Coaching Sample

Many of us are familiar with Quinnn McDonald as an artist and as one who has graciously shared tutorials, but did you know that she also is a certified creativity coach as well? Coaching sessions are phone based and are scheduled to fit when you have the time to be focused.

Quinn is offering a free 30-minute sample session and states that it is:

"Not a demonstration or a pitch, this 30-minute free coaching session starts with the issues that you want to be coached on. It's a real coaching session.

At the end [of the free session], we will decide on an appropriate challenge as 'homework.' You'll ask any questions you have on coaching. There is no pressure and I won't sign you up after the coaching sample. You'll have time to think it through if you want to start coaching"
To learn more and to schedule your free session:

Imagination Works - Quinn's free creativity newsletter that is e-mailed twice a month. To sign up for it:

Creativity Ariticles - written by Quinn and available through Creativity-Portal (scroll down):

QuinnCreative: Tips, Slips, Stumbles, and Leaps on the Creative Journal - Quinn's Blog:

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Amazing Leather Work of Winfred Rembert

 "Winfred uses a canvas of cured leather to tool memories from his life.
These 'snapshots' offer an unprecedented view into the true lives of
African Americans in the Deep South only fifty years ago. The themes
present in his work transcend age, racial, gender and religious differences.
Through Winfred's work, we are encouraged to persevere and find a blessing
- to find redeption in the suffering we each experience as human beings."
- from his website

Many textile artists use leather in their work - Winfred Rembert, however, uses this "textile" as his fabric to create stunning and masterful narratives. The detailed imagery in the slices of life that he gives us from his own memories and experiences are fascinating, riveting and incredibly moving.

Family Picking Cotton - Winfred Rembert

Chain Gang (All Me) - Winfred Rembert


The Indelible Images of Winfred Rembert - Folk Art Messenger Magazine

Call Him "Artist" - includes a slideshow with 10 images of his work

Adelson Galleries - Winfred Rembert - can view 44 images of his work

Winfred  Rembert at Work - 3:17 minute YouTube video

WFXL Interview of Winfred Remnbert - 6:03 minute YouTube video

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Business Support for the Arts from Large Businesses Dropped Significantly

As we probably all could have predicted, a survey for the Business Committe for the Arts found that between 2006 - 2009, business support for the arts from large businesses "...fell from 43 percent to 28 percent, while the number that gave to any charitable cause dropped from 70 percent to 52 percent." Interestingly, however, over the same period support from small to mid-sized businesses actually increased.

To read the executive summary of the Triennial Survey of Business Support for the Arts:

Friday, November 26, 2010

Textile Related Tutorials - Part 10

Your colleagues continue to share unselfishly...

Part 9    Part 8    Part 7    Part 6     Part 5     Part 4     Part 3     Part 2     Part 1

Learning to Critique Effectively - Jane Dunnewold - Excellent article on this topic.

Bobbin Work: Dealing with Distortion - Ellen Anne Eddy

Silkscreen Mask Using Plastic - Wen Redmond

Multi-Color Screen Printing Without a Press - Craft Chi

On a Roll: Create Your Personal Mark Using Brayers - Wen Redmond

Who Wants to Color
Coloring In and Out of the Lines
On the Loose - Dealing with Distortion
Fabric Covered Beads - Twirling Betty

Gel Glue Resist Tutorial - Janice Paine-Dawes

Thread-U-Cation - Laura Wasikowski - She continues to share her excellent instructions
The Basics -
How to Make a Little Dot in 3 Easy Steps -
Snail Trail -
Stitch Placement -
Whipped Running Stitch:
Colonial Knot:
Coral Stitch:
Combining Stitches:
Tulip Stitch:

Beaded Fringe - Lyric Kincaid

Five Ways to Use Angelina Fibers - Stephanie Forsyth - Stamping; Trapping; Textures; Roving; Making Angelina Beads

Stamping - Melanie Testa - Creating stamps using Plexiglas

Carve Your Own Rubber Stamps - Alma Stoller

How to Make Fabric Beads - Alma Stoller

Fabric Silhouette Tutorial - Maria Elkins

How to do those Innie Corners - Margaret Hunt

Using Golden Digital Grounds - Quinn McDonald

Monsoon Paper: Tutorial + Variation - Quinn McDonald

Making Glue Work for You - Quinn McDonald

Gel Medium Transfers - Easier with Videos - Quinn McDonald

Using Fixatives on Your Artwork - Quinn McDonald

Monochromatic Collage - Quinn McDonald

Gallery Hanging Tutorial - Judith Ferguson

Monday, November 22, 2010

Quotable Quotes

"A man who works with his hands is a laborer;
a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman;
a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist."
Louis Nizer
"Life holds no promises as to what will come your way. You must search for your own ideals and work toward reaching them....If you are willing to take the opportunities you are given and utilize the abilities you have, you will constantly fill your life with special moments and unforgettable times."
Dena Dilaconi

Until the lion tells his story, you only hear the tales of the hunters.
African proverb

Art is not for the cultivated taste. It is to cultivate taste.
Nikki Giovanni
"Ideas must be put to the test. That's why we make things, otherwise they would be no more than ideas." Andy Goldsworthy
I tamed my personal art demon – the tendency to think about painting rather than actually painting – by throwing the stuff on the blank paper and telling myself I didn't care about the end result.
I believed it and was saved.
Rich Hawk

I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that.
Your mind must know it has to get down to work.
Pearl S. Buck

Process trumps plans. That's why our job is called "creative."
Robert Genn

Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.
Bob Dylan

Art is when you hear a knocking from your soul - and you answer.
Terri Guillemets

"Your art isn’t for everyone.
Once you understand this, you’ll have an easier time
finding the people who appreciate your work."
Alyson Stanfield
"I think finding your voice is making the implicit explicit.
It is making what you already know on a subconscious level
conscious and repeatable."
Jessie Carty

"I tamed my personal art demon
 – the tendency to think about painting rather than actually painting –
by throwing the stuff on the blank paper and telling myself
I didn't care about the end result. I believed it and was saved."
Rich Hawk

"With age, art and life become one."
Georges Braque

"Never be afraid to do something new.
Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic".

Monday, November 15, 2010

Free Online Course - The Creative Pathfinder

Mark McGuinness is a poet who also is a coach for creative professionals. Starting from the premise that "creativity isn't enough", he has developed a free course that offers " alternative take on professional development for creative people. It’s a practical education in the artistic and professional skills you need to thrive in the real world of the creative industries...while maintaining your integrity, peace of mind and enthusiasm for your work."

An email with a link to the lesson will be sent once a week for 6 months. Each lesson contains:
  • An article explaining the what, why and how of the topic
  • A practical worksheet for you to download and complete
  • Links to additional resources (articles, books, e-books etc — most of which are free)
You can register for the course on the following link which also will provide more detailed information about what the course covers and why he is offering it for free:

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ben Cuevas - Knitted Skeleton & Organs

Ben Cuevas is a fiber artist who has knitted a skeleton
and internal organs that are incredibly detailed and intricate.

Knitted Head & Thorax - Ben Cuevas

Transcending the Material - shows many detailed close-ups of his knitted skeleton

Ben Cuevas Interview, 2010 Wassaic Artist Resident - video of Ben Cuevas discussing his work in his studio in the Luther Barn in Wassaic, NY

Healing Disparities: The Condition of Embodiment - Interview

Healing Disparities: The Condition of Embodiment - Includes links to detailed images of knitted body parts including: Rectum; Genitosexual; Intestines; Heart, Thyroid; Brain

Friday, November 5, 2010

Free Visual Journal Online Workshops

Starting January 1, Strathmore (one of the leading manufacturers of journals for artists), is making available a 3-part series on visual journaling. It will focus on visual journaling techniques, and each workshop will include 4 online video lessons along with supportin downloadable instructions. You also will receive additional ideas, tips and inspiration from the workshop instructor via email. Workshop sessions are self-paced and will be available online through August 1, 2011.

Workshop 1: Start Where You Are - January 1, 2011 - "We will explore the philosophy that a journal should always be a work in progress and discover the advantages of developing pages in layers using mixed-media techniques and materials such a gels, mediums, water media, paints and sprays...To personalize your journal, notice how the addition of fold-outs and embellishments make the pages interactive. Play with design layouts and spreads, and learn how to integrate writing and images while keeping design principals in mind… but not being constrained by them! And, whether you want to cover your journal with painted canvas or art it up with collage, you will see tempting examples to transform your Visual Journal into your very own masterpiece."

Workshop 2: Recycled Journal Pages - March 1, 2011 - "Reusing your own artwork in your journal pages helps you get the most out of the time you put into creating art. By using copies of previous journal pages and other art you’ve created, you will have a great stash of collage fodder right at your fingertips! Reusing your own art allows you to revisit your art in a totally new way and create pages that are uniquely your own. In addition to your recycled art, collage materials can also be found in other recyclables such as, newspapers, magazines, old book pages or other ephemera. Get the most mileage from your art and take it to exciting new places by recycling it in your Art Journal!"

Workshop 3: Building Your Visual Journal from the Page Up - May 1, 2011 - "Find your unique visual style while creating mixed media journal pages from the background up. Learn how to execute colorful and textured backgrounds with paints and inks. Work with collage papers and ephemera to explore composition. Master paper handling techniques that expand your page and enhance your journal’s flow. Finally take your journal into the real world to hone your on-site sketching and observation skills. The techniques and strategies presented in this workshop will enable you to discover your own authentic journal voice and unleash your creative energy."

To Register:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

UPDATE: The Grades Are In - "The Honor Roll"

This is an update to the October 29 post

Senate Arts Report Card Grading Criteria - Arts Action Fund

As promised, "The Arts Action Fund" of Americans for the Arts has released its report about those senators who are strong champions of the arts. Thirty-seven senators received a B+ or greater on the Congressional Arts Report Card. Thirteen have been singled out for special commendation. Click on the following link to find out why (NOTE: Use your mouse to hover over each one's picture, then click his or her picture to learn more):

Grading Criteria - The 6 criteria on which all senators were graded include: Keeps jobs in the arts; Supports public art; Supports museums; Shows initiative in the arts; Active in extracurricular activities; and Shows leadership in the arts.

To View for the "Dirty Dozen" - those senators with abysmal records when it comes to supporting the arts:

To View the Grades for All Senators:

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Gallery Director Speaks

Following are links to a three-part interview with Robert Patrick "...who has a long history of curating and producing shows, tours and events, including 12 years as a very successful gallery director at the Walton Street Gallery in Chicago." The focus for this interview is on "...what artists must know about galleries, collectors, selling, and making presentations."

Part I: What Artists Must Know

Part II: A Day in the Life
Part III: The Psychology of Selling Art

A related interview with Samantha Lewis, Artist Agent

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Grades are In!!!

"Did you ever bring home a bad grade on a report card as a kid? What about an F in the arts? Hard to imagine. Well, our U.S. Senators brought home their grades, and although they weren't graded on their paintings or musical scales, many managed to fail the arts. And some failed while the other Senator in their state received an A or B!" - Americans for the Arts 

Americans for the Arts

The "Arts Action Fund" of Americans for the Arts graded how well or poorly senators have voted to support the arts. Over the past two years, 3 opportunities to support the arts were presented to senators. Twenty-eight of them received "F's". Twelve of the 28 have been singled out as "The Dirty Dozen" - click on the following link to find out why (NOTE: Use your mouse to hover over each one's picture, then click his or her picture to learn more):

Interestingly, in some states, one Senator received an "A or B" while the other failed miserably:

To view the grades for all Senators:

A final report will soon be available about those Senators who champion the arts.

To learn more about Americans for the Arts:

Monday, October 18, 2010

Jeanne Martin: The Fabric Chef

Breakfast and Pastry Platters - Jeanne Martin

Jeanne Martin creates soft sculptures of food (from flannel, fleece, linen, broadcloth and other fabrics) so realistic that it takes usually takes a while for viewers to realize they have been created from fabric.

Fried Chicken, Texas Style - Jeanne Martin (a tribute to Bobby Flay)

Magic in the Fabric - 3:20 minue YouTube Video

Sculptures that Look Good Enough to Eat - Interview by The Denver Post [NOTE: You'll need to scroll 1/3 way down a seemingly mostly blank page]

The Fabric Chef - Jeanne Martin's website - shows many detail views of her work

Friday, October 15, 2010

Free Online Expressive Drawing Class

Steve Aimone, author of Expressive Drawing: A Practical Guide to Freeing the Artist Within and Design! A Lively Guide to Design Basics for Artists & Craftspeople, is offering a free online course in Expressive Drawing. It is a six-lesson class which has just gotten underway. Every two weeks, Steve will " a drawing exercise, a game, a video or something else to inspire you as you pursue your art."

You also will be able to upload your drawings or paintings where your "...virtual classmates will be able to see - and thoughtfully critique - your work. Steve will visit the community on a regular basis and comment on pieces that draw his attention."

Additionally, after the "semester" is over, Steve will continue to post monthly exercises for you.

Following is the link to a video about Expressive Drawing:

More info about the class:

The current session is on Circles, Squares and Triangles and can be accessed through the following URL:

To learn more about Steve:

NOTE: I have taken several of Steve's workshops in New Smyrna Beach, FL
 - he is a superb teacher and I recommend him highly.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Whitehouse Proclamation About the Arts

In honor of October being the National Arts and Humanities Month,
President Barack Obama has issued the following proclamation:

Throughout history, the arts and humanities have helped men and women around the globe grapple with the most challenging questions and come to know the most basic truths. In our increasingly interconnected world, the arts play an important role in both shaping the character that defines us and reminding us of our shared humanity. This month, we celebrate our Nation's arts and humanities, and we recommit to ensuring all Americans can access and experience them.

Our strength as a Nation has always come from our ability to recognize ourselves in each other, and American artists, historians, and philosophers have helped enable us to find our common humanity. Through powerful scenes on pages, canvases, and stages, the arts have spurred our imaginations, lifted our hearts, and united us all without regard to belief or background.

The arts and humanities have also helped fuel our economy as well as our souls. Across our country, men and women in the non profit and for profit arts industries bring arts and cultural activities to our communities, contributing tens of billions of dollars to our economy each year. Today, arts workers are revitalizing neighborhoods, attracting new visitors, and fostering growth in places that have gone too long without it.

As we work to bring the power of the arts and humanities to all Americans, my Administration remains committed to providing our children with an education that inspires as it informs. Exposing our students to disciplines in music, dance, drama, design, writing, and fine art is an important part of that mission. To promote arts education and pay tribute to America's vibrant culture, First Lady Michelle Obama and I have been proud to host a White House Music Series, Dance Series, and Poetry Jam. We have been honored to bring students, workshops, and performers to "the People's House;" to highlight jazz, country, Latin, and classical music; and to invite Americans to listen to the music of the civil rights movement, hip hop, and Broadway.

By supporting the fields that feed our imagination, strengthen our children's education, and contribute to our economy, our country will remain a center of creativity and innovation, and our society will stand as one where dreams can be realized. As we reflect on the contributions of America's artists, we look forward to hearing their tales still untold, their perspectives still unexplored, and their songs still unwritten. May they continue to shed light on trials and triumphs of the human spirit, and may their work help ensure that our children's horizons are ever brighter.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2010 as National Arts and Humanities Month. I call upon the people of the United States to join together in observing this month with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to celebrate the arts and the humanities in America.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.

"National Arts and Humanities Month is a coast-to-coast celebration of culture in America. Held every October and coordinated by Americans for the Arts, NAHM is the largest annual celebration of the arts and humanities in the nation." The NAHM Events Map shows many of the nationwide activities that have been scheduled:

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Coiled Art of Carol Eckert

"Kingdom of the Birds" by Carol Eckert

Carol Eckert has taken the medium of basketry to a new level by using a signature "stitch" and universal symbols to illustrate legends, parables and creation stories by using the technique of coiling. Although she describes this technique as "simple" and only requiring the use of a threaded needle (to wrap copper wire with DMC cotton embroidery floss) her work is very sophisticated and complex. Through it she tells stories using a variety of forms such as staffs, shrines, wall art and books (as well as the occasional "basket" as she defines it).

DETAIL - "The Raven Addresses the Animals" by Carol Eckert

Smithsonian Archives of American Art Interview - An 2007 interview of Carol by Jo Laurie for the Smithsonian's Craft and Decorative Arts in America documentation project can be read online:

To view more of Carol's art:
Carol's Website:

Jane Sauer Gallery

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fundraising for Individual Artist Projects

In April of this year, I did a post about the Diastrous State Budget Cuts Proposed for the Arts ( and there were comments regarding the need for artists to find or develop alternative funding sources that don't rely on state funding which seems to be rapidly drying up. A follow-up post in May on Fundraising for the Arts( looked at some ideas being tossed around and tried out. Now, an opportunity has been presented to me that I would like to share with you and hope that you will at least "peek in" every once in a while to see how its progressing and to determine if this is this is the type of alternative funding avenue you should investigate.

I am pleased to announce that I have been selected to participate in a new online community of America’s finest artists called Project Site ( ), created by United States Artists to expand its mission of investing in America’s finest artists.

I’ve been asked to join as a pioneer member!

Project Site is still in an “Alpha” stage in which a very few artists have been selected to participate. My Profile and Showcase are already up, and I’ve just launched a new project called Katrina Narratives: Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

Check it out here:

I have some great perks available for anyone that’s interested in supporting me in this effort, and if you can’t support the project financially, I’d love it if you helped to spread the word and tell your friends about it.

Come explore a new online community of America’s finest artists!

Project Site is a community where America’s finest artists and those that love and support them can share their latest work, discover new artists, enter into a dialog with each other, and make direct donations (of any size, all of which are tax deductible) to new projects created by each artist. This is the first website in our knowledge that allows direct public donations between art patrons and accredited artists on the Internet.

Thank you for your support and interest.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Powerful Words of Wisdom to Artists

Joyce Owens is a primarily a painter
but she is also a sculptor and mixed/mutimedia artist.
In her blog she shares some extremely perceptive
words of wisdom that are meaningful for artists working in any medium...

"More than Skin Deep" by Joyce Owens
Acrylic on Canvas on Wood

An Artist's Pain: Being Judged and Juried - "...dilemmas artists wrestle with are many...submitting to exhibitions may be at the top of any top 10 list of things we hate to do, but know we must! I will tell you what I know that could save you from too much pain."

To Mentors/Teachers, Say the One Thing an Artist Needs to Hear - "My message is that it is important to validate that strange, different kid who may live inside his or her head and doesn't march in lock-step with the others. There is possibly an artist, musician, actor, scientist, computer programmer or other creative type living there figuring out the world as they see it! Give him or her permission to come out!"

Pay Me Like You Pay for New Shoes - "It is not bad to be rewarded for your efforts. You need money to buy new shoes! It is also about respect. Respect for the time and effort it takes to produce art. Respect for the money artists spend to purchase materials. Respect for the thousands of dollars some artists pay to get their training in traditional, and other art programs. Artists travel to learn, go to workshops and art centers that cost money. Why shouldn't we expect a return on our investment to develop our skills as a doctor or a chef would?"

We Have a Museum for Women, Why Not a Man Museum? - "Separate is just not equal and it won't ever be!"

Who Do You Exhibit With, Where and Why? - "I have found that sometimes it's better to respectfully decline an exhibition offer and wait for the next opportunity."

To view more of Joyce Owens' art:, visit her website
and her photo page on Black Art in America

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fractured Atlas

Fractured Atlas is a support organization that artists need to know about. They offer a broad range of services, but the one I'm most excited about are the online courses geared to provide training in those aspects of business most important for practicing artists. Furthermore, you can take them at your own convenience as well as start and stop as often as you need. Additional courses are being added continually.

A free, basic level of membership (Community Membership) is offered. However, you may well qualify for a regular membership through one or more of the arts organizations to which you belong.

Writing an Effective Fundraising Letter - "Learn basic ingredients for writing a strong fundraising letter and start building a community of donors who will support you and your art for the long haul."

Audio Description: The Visual Made Verbal - "This course will introduce you to the principles of producing quality audio description and the importance of close communication with the end users – people who are blind or have low vision and people who seek to provide greater media access."

Getting Your Sh*t Together - "This course will take you through 10 steps to getting your sh*t together. If you complete these 10 steps, you are well on your way to being ready to engage with the art world and having a handle on just what else you need to figure out."

Professional Identity: Demystified - "This course walks you through some basic steps to clarify your professional identity, which will lay the foundation for all of the strategic planning work to come."

Fundraising: Demystified - "Producing art is generally not inexpensive. So, how do we go about paying for the work that we want to produce? We fundraise!"

 Marketing: Demystified - "As an artist or arts organization, you have to be able to market your creative offering. Learn about marketing basics like market research, segmentation, positioning, distribution, and promotion of your creative offering."

Presentation Venues - "This course on artistic venues is primarily geared towards visual artists and those working in a multidisciplinary nature. However, all artists can find some information to take away. We list the pros, cons, and how to research all kinds of spaces."

Social Media Marketing for Arts Professionals - "This course will introduce social media marketing to those who are relatively unfamiliar with the subject. It’s friendly to those who are new to social media, marketing, or both. (But seasoned marketers who’d like to brush up are also welcome!)"

All the Accounting You Need to Know - "In this course, you will gain an understanding of basic accounting principles — with minimal jargon — to prepare you to work with an automated accounting system (such as QuickBooks) for your artistic business."

Personal Financial Planning for Artists - Peace, Love, and Financial Planning - "Using the case study method, we’ll go through a process, introduce some techniques and vocabulary, so that you can find the right way to become comfortable with this important topic."

Independent Contractors vs Employees: What's the Difference - "Do you know what makes an employee different than an independent contractor? Did you know you can be charged back taxes if you misclassified the artists you pay? Learn the rules in this 70 minute video workshop!"

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Fabric Collages of Wycliffe Lincoln Bennett

Angela by Wycliffe Lincoln Bennett

Wycliffe Lincoln Bennett creates textile collages on a base of either canvas or wood. His work is compelling, evocative and captivating. It immediately draws and holds the viewers eye.

Linc by Wycliffe Lincoln Bennett [self-portrait]

"To me an artist is someone who is gifted in being able
to express the feelings we all share.
If my art evokes a memory, changes a mood, captures an image
to which you can relate then I've done my job."
Wycliffe Lincoln Bennett

The Art of Linc Bennett - 5-minute video of the artist speaking about his work.

Linc's Art

Wycliffe "Linc" Bennett's Photo Page on Black Art In America - More examples of Linc's artwork.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Extreme Textile - Porcelain Clothing

Li Xiaofeng (who originally was trained as a muralist) sews porcelain ceramic shards from the Song, Ming, Yuan and Qing dynasties onto a leather base to create clothing which is actually wearable. Each shard is hand shaped and polished. Holes are then drilled into each corner and linked together using silver wire.

 Suit Jacket / Front View - Li Xiaofeng

Li Xiaofeng

Porcelain Dress - Li Xiaofeng

Li Xiaofeng Porcelain Clothing

Li Xiaofeng

Artist Li Xiaofeng Does Porcelain & Cotton Polos For Lacoste Holiday Collector's Series

Porcelain POLO shirt by Li Xiaofeng - Interview and closeups of artist at work

Q&A with Ceramic Artist Li Xiaofeng - This interview provides additional insight into his thought and work processes

Li Xiaofeng

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Silk Thangkas of Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo

Manjushri - Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo

Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo is a contemporary American textile artist working in a Tibetan tradition. In her fabric thangkas, sacred Buddhist images commonly portrayed in Tibetan thangka paintings are rendered in vivid mosaics of silk.

"Leslie is one of few non-Tibetans and probably the only Westerner
to be formally trained in this traditional art form."

Green Tara - Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo

How Silk Thangkas are Made - Leslie states that the Thangkas are "...a mosaic or patchwork of silk pieces outlined, cut, and arranged like a jigsaw puzzle to form a precise and intricate image."

Creating Buddhas: The Making and Meaning of Fabric Thangkas - 3:07 YouTube video - this is the trailer for a documentary about Leslie's work  
Leslie's Blog  

Friday, September 10, 2010

Textile Related Tutorials - Part 9

More tutorials to titillate and inspire those creative impulses...

Part 8       Part 7        Part 6       Part 5
Part 4       Part 3       Part 2        Part 1

Don't Have Photoshop? Use MS Publisher for Graphic Design - KweliArt

Uploading Your Custom Background Image in Blogger - Loreen Leedy

Innovative Use of Lutrador - Lesley Riley - vidcast with Bonnie McCaffery

Lutrador Tips and Tricks: Transparency Transfer - Lesley Riley

TAP Transfers + Lutrador - Lesley Riley

DIY Bobbin Organizer - The Sassy Crafter - uses tubing from the hardware store

Discharge Printing with Bubble Wrap - Lyric Montgomery Kinard - 3:50 minute vidcast

Pojagi Machine Stitch Tutorial - Victoria Gertenbach

Needle-Felting Tutorial - Jane LaFrazio

Shibori with Fabric Paint - Gloria Hansen

Printing on Teabags - Judy Coates Perez

Sumi Smoosh with Vellum - Diana Trout

Screen Printing Registration without a Press - Amy

Rolling Pin Prints

Machine Quilting Loopy Flowers - Elizabeth Hartman

Choosing Photos for Citrasolv Transfer - Lyric Kinard

Citrasolv Photo Transfer Tutorial - Lyric Kinard

One Bead at a Time: Exploring Creativity with Bead Embroidery - Robin Atkins - 59 page free e-book

NOW-I-Get-It Stitching Diagrams - Jenny - detailed pictures and instructions for 7 basic stitches as well as diagrams for lefties

Needle Weaving - Laura Wasilowski - "...the idea is to create a thread structure that screens or creates a mesh across the background fabric and sits on the surface as a bold texture. It acts as a grid pattern to emulated window panes or tile or even cobble stones on a small quilt..."

Thread-U-Cation - Laura Wasilowski is providing excellent and detailed instructions with pictures for a series of embroidery stictches.
Ermine Stitch
ZigZag Stitch
Herringbone Stitch
Wheat Ear Stitch
Fern Stitch
Lazy Daisy
Arrow Stitch
Chain Stitch
Sheaf Stitch
Cross Stitch
Blanket Stitch
Stem or Outline Stitch
Fly Stitch
Scattered Seed Stitch
Straight Stitch
French Knots
Crown Stitch

Ten Commandments of Stitching A Fused Art Quilt - Laura Wasilowski

Sinking Thread Ends - Kathleen Loomis

Decorative Needlework Dictionary - Jenny - detailed explanations with colored pictures

How to Make a Melon Baller Eyeball - At first I saw no relevance, but upon thinking about it more, decided that this technique could be easily altered to add some interesting 3-D aspects to textile art.

How to Make Your Own Stamps - Judi Hurwitt
PDF Version
Advanced Crochet Chart

Gallery Hanging Tutorial - Judith Ferguson - Using foam core board

Easy Rules for Hanging an Art Quilt Show - Leni Wiener

How to Make Lovely Fabric Flowers

Fabric Peony Template
Thread Delivery System - Dr. Bob of Superior Threads - 5-minute video - Your machine's Thread Delivery System and the important role it plays in having your machine operate correctly.

Texture Magic Videos - Superior Threads - videos - This is a series of 10 (or more) videos on how to work with Texture Magic

Painterly Terms and More - Wen Redmond - " for confusing or unknown terms."

Knowing Your Bobbin Mechanism - Ellen Anne Eddy

Color Theory for Thread: Basic Shading for Embroidered Applique - Ellen Anne Eddy

Make Fabric Prints with Tape - Jessica Jones

Instant Rust!!! - Lois Jarvis

Discharge Printing with Bubble Wrap - Lyric Kinard

Machine Quilting Loopy Flowers - Elizabeth Hartman

Using Your Own Drawings in  Collage or Quilts - Jane LaFazio

ArtFelt Instructions
Pictures -
Thread Reference Guide for Home Machines - Superior Threads

Thread Reference Guide for Longarm Machines - Superior Threads